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Monday, 24 October 2022

How to lose weight without Dieting ? techprohealth

Diets Don't Work So Let's Talk About What To Do Instead… Here Are 14 Tips From A Health Coach For Dieting.

How to lose weight without Dieting ?

Everyone wants to lose weight without dieting? It sounds like a dream come true… but in reality it's probably the best way to lose weight because diets don't work. If they didn't, no one would struggle with their weight and new diet books wouldn't be released year after year.

At this point in my health journey and my health coaching practice I've come to the conclusion that dieting with strict meal plans and rules about "good foods" and "bad foods" doesn't work. This promotes restriction, leading to deprivation and the infamous diet cycle.

How do you lose weight without dieting?

Before I start with the tips I want to clear one thing up. With this article I am not saying that you can or should lose weight by eating junk food. Fueling your body with nutritious, whole foods is very different from dieting and as you know, 

I'm all about healthy foods! No need to track food, calories and/or macros, count points or limit. Okay fine.

Distract from food:  

When you're on a diet or trying desperately to lose weight, it seems like your world revolves around food and that's all you think about. What can you eat, what foods can't you eat, how many calories are you eating, what will you be able to eat at the restaurant you are going to and what time will your next meal be, etc.? It kind of takes over your life. 

Let go of this focus and focus on other healthy habits like getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, taking daily vitamins, etc. Food is important, but don't overestimate it. You stop thinking about food all the time, so you eat less without struggling.

Work on other areas of your life:   

Sit down and list all the areas of your life — your career, your relationship with your significant other, your relationships with friends and family, your hobbies, etc. Once you have this list, choose one. Some areas you really want to work on or explore. 

Pick things that make you happy and plan to focus on those things every day. I learned about this aspect of weight loss during my health coaching training at IIN and was reminded of it recently while chatting with my friend Abby of At Work Play Balanced. It's amazing how balancing these other areas of your life can help you relax, help with stress, and balance your diet.

       Balanced eating = finding your happy weight.

Have more fun: 

Don't let food (or alcohol) take the fun out of your life. For example, if the only thing you have to look forward to after work is dinner, change that! There is more to life than food and food should not be a hobby. 

Find something fun that you enjoy and do it often. Food can and should be fun, and some foods are very exciting (especially for foodies), but you need to have fun in your life.                                                                                     

Eat without electronic distractions: 

Eating while watching TV, on the computer or looking at your phone can make you lose track of how much you've eaten and overeat. One article shows that if you eat while focusing on your food, you eat 10 percent more than if you eat while distracted. 

Change your plates: 

Regular-sized portions look so small on large dinner plates, which allows you to add more food and ultimately eat more. Using smaller plates can reduce your food intake by up to 20%. I like to use my salad plates for regular meals, unless I have a big salad for my meal, then i break the dinner plates!

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